P R E S E N T A T I O N

Ana Wortman is PHD in Social Sciences at Universidad de Buenos Aires. She holds an MA from Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) and a BA from the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Since 1996 she has been a full time researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani in the area of cultural studies. She is a member of the Culturelink Network, which is supported by UNESCO and The European Council, with headquarters in Zagreb, Croatia,  and she is also a member of the Foro Universitario del MERCOSUR FOMERCO

She has been a member of the working group on Culture and Power as well as of the working group on Cultural Consumption at the Latin American Social Sciences Council (CLACSO). She was fellowship holder for the National Council on Science and Technology (CONICET); senior at CLACSO y she is nowadays Research Director for UBACYT fellowships, leading fellowship holders and doctoral candidates. Her research interests include youth culture, cultural policies, middle-class transformations, cultural consumption, and media cultures in Argentina.

Her last books are Construcción imaginaria de la desigualidad social
(2007) (Imaginary construction of social inequity), Entre la política y la gestión de la cultura y el arte (2007) (Between politics and the production of art and culture), Nuevos actores en la Argentina contemporánea, (New actors in contemporary Argentina), EUDEBA, Buenos Aires (2009).
She’s recently published an essay about Middle Class in Contemporary Argentina, collective work of CEPAL, coordinated by Rolando Franco and Martín Hopenhayn by 2010, siglo XXI, México.