Teaching 2010 /11
* Graduate Professor of Ciencias de la Comunicación at Facultad de
Humanidades y Periodismo UNLP. Intensive course: Consumos culturales
desde la perspectiva de la teoría sociológica
contemporánea.(Cultural consumption from the perspective of
contemporary sociological theory) La Plata, November and December,
*Professor at Culture and Communication master, Facultad de Ciencias
Sociales, UBA, Thesis Workshops I and II, 2010/2011
* Professor at Specialization in Culture Management course. Facultad
de Ciencias Económicas, Córdoba. May 21st and 22nd 2009. , Facultad
de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba 2009 /2010
Activities 2010/2011/2012
*She was in charge of the organization for the Jornadas sobre
Producción cultural en Argentina (Cultural production in Argentina)
, Instituto Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UBA,
November 26th, 27th y 28th ,2010.
*She coordinated the panel about Dimensiones subjetivas de la
desigualdad en el Simposio Internacional Proyecto Simposio
Tendencias Emergentes de la (Des)igualdad social: Desafios para
Chile y América Latina.(Subjective dimensions of inequity) Proyecto
Desigualdades. Santiago de Chile, October 29th to November 3rd 2010,
Universidad Nacional de Chile.
*She was in charge of the organization for the panel on Cultura e
industrias culturales del MERCOSUR (Culture and cultural industries
of Mercosur), together with Dra. Mónica Leite Lessa UERJ, FOMERCO,
Buenos Aires, September 9th, 2010.
* She was in charge of the organization for the 02nd panel, Discutir
las clases medias en Argentina (Discussing middle class in
Argentina), and 068th panel Cine, como industria cultural
(Filmmaking as a cultural industry) together with Mag Emiliano
Torterola, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UBA. XI Jornadas
Nacionales de Sociología.
*She was in charge, together with Brazilian and Mexican colleagues,
of the GT3 on Consumos culturales y medios de comunicación (Cultural
consumption and Media) http://www.alas2011recife.com/. She also
participated in two working groups, together with Dr Susana Soares (UFRGS)
and Dr. Mónica Leite Lessa (UERJ) Balance 20 años de MERCOSUR
Cultural (Evaluation, 20 years of Cultural Mercosur). Second
workshop, coordinated by Antonio Rubim (UFBA); Políticas culturales
en América Latina (Cultural politics in Latin America), together
with Dr. Ana Rosas Mantecón. Recife, September 6th to 11th. ALAS
She was in charge of the coordination of the 24th session of XI
Congreso internacional de FOMERCO (International Congress of FOMERCO),
together with Dr. Mónica Leite Lessa,. Rio de Janeiro, September
14th to 16th. A dimensao da cultura numa perspectiva latinoamericana
*She coordinated, together with Dr Patricia Vargas, the 38th
workshop group Distinción y desigualdad en la cultura contemporánea
(Differences and inequities in contemporary culture). X Congreso
Argentino De Antropología Social (X Argentine Congress of Social
Anthropology). Buenos Aires, November 29th to December 2nd 2011.
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de Buenos Aires.
Lasa 2012
Session: Culture, power and politics.
Panel: Ana Wortman (Organizer and Chair), Tensiones en los procesos
de democratización cultural en América Latina.políticas,
instituciones y prácticas culturales contemporáneas (Tensions in
culture democratization processes in Latin America..Politics,
institutions and contemporary cultural practices) (1 session).
Participants: Ana Wortman, Atziri Molina (Mexico), Mariana Cerviño,
(Argentina) Ana Rosas Mantecón (México) , Inés Rodríguez Moyano
(Argentina) , María del Rosario Radakovich.(Uruguay) San Francisco
California, May 23rd to 26th, 2012 http://lasa.international.pitt.edu/esp/
“LAS CLASES MEDIAS ARGENTINAS 1960-2008” (Argentine middle class
1960-2008), chapter from the book with Rolando Franco, Martín
Hopenhayn and Arturo de León, Las clases medias en América Latina,
(Middle class in Latin America), CEPAL y Siglo XXI. México, 2010.
"Audiencias ". (Audiences) R McKee Irwin / M Szurmuk. Dictionary of
Latin A Cultural Studies. Gainesville: University Press of Florida,