R E S E A R C H


*She holds the UBACYT fellowship 2008-2010 to research “Globalization processes, social transformation and redefinition of the cultural field in contemporary Argentina”.

* UBACYT project 2004-2007 Transformations of the cultural field in Argentina: the initiatives of civil society in the formation of new audiences. Instituto Gino Germani, Buenos Aires
* UBACYT project 21001-2003 “Is there a new Argentina? Hegemonic representations of the social sphere; advertising and lifestyles”: Instituto Gino Germani UBA
* UBACYT project 1998-2000, Social identities and youths’ cultural consumption Instituto Gino Germani, August 1998.
* University of Buenos Aires research grant for “Social identities and cultural consumption in Argentina at times of structural economic reforms” Instituto Gino Germani, August 19966 – December 1997.
* Research coordinator “Cultural demands on Buenos Aires City” Fundación Generación 2000 (August –December 1993)
* Research fellow CLACSO- ASDI 2001-2002 for the research project “Social representations in the Argentina: the role of the media at times of structural economic reforms” Instituto Gino Germani, School of Social Sciences (Facultad de Ciencias Sociales)

CONICET fellowship holder

* CONICET research fellow for the research project “Crisis of social participation in young urban popular sectors A study of La Matanza”, Director Lic.Isidoro Cheresky Instituto de Sociología of the Sociology courses at the Buenos Aires University (1987-1989)
* CONICET research fellow for research project “Crisis of social participation of youth, cultural consumption and everyday life”(1989-1993) Director: Isidoro Cheresky Instituto de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales- UBA


* “Culture and political traditions of popular classes”, Coordinator Isidoro Cheresky.
Venue: Instituto de Sociología UBA (1986-1989) Financed by Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica UBA and CONICET
* “Political Culture and the Media”, Coordinator Heriberto Muraro and Oscar Landi.
CEDES, 1984
*  UBACYT directed by Dr. Emilio de Ipola (1995-1998) The Crisis of the social bond, Durkheim 100 years later; “Uses of Durkheim in the post reform societies analysis: researchs about youth in Latin America”.


Full time professor at Instituto de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales(UBA) to carry out research: “Culture and public space”,1983.1993 April 1994-1996
* Full time researcher at Instituto Gino Germani from Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UBA research project: “Social identities and cultural consumption in post –adjustment Argentine society” 1996-1997)


*Workshop at the Universidad de la Patagonia about “Cultural policies during transition“. Caleta Olivia, Pcia. De Santa Cruz, March 14th & 15th, 1997.

* Research Workshop Cultural Policies and Democratic Transition t Universidad de la Patagonia on “Políticas culturales Caleta Olivia, Santa Cruz Province, 14th and 15th August, 1998